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An Overview of Corporate Law

Corporate business

Learn About Establishing Your Corporation This month, we will provide you with an overview of corporate law. When it comes to establishing your corporate identity, doing so legally is of utter importance. Knowing the steps to take to have your corporation recognized at the appropriate level is necessary to receive tax benefits. Learn all about […]

Making a Long-Term Care Plan

Long term care concept

Set Yourself Up for Personal Care as You Age Are you making a long-term care plan? Setting up a long-term care plan takes time and effort. You must make decisions about where to care for a family member quickly. Other times, a family has a while to look for the best place to care for […]

What is a Trust?

Trust concept

Learn How a Trust Works in Your Estate Plan What is a trust, do you know? It is something to set up during your final estate planning. People use it for minimizing estate taxes that can offer other benefits as part of a well-crafted estate plan. Knowing what kind of trust to incorporate into your […]

A Quick Guide to Elder Law

Elder law book with gavel

Elder Law Involves a Vast Array of Planning and Issues Here’s a quick guide to elder law. Elder law covers a variety of topics specifically related to the care and wellbeing of senior citizens. For example, subjects can include establishing a care plan, end of life care, estate planning, and reporting abuse. In other words, […]

Planning for Farm Succession

Farm and fields

You Can Provide a Future for Your Family Planning for farm succession is essential. Farming and agriculture as a whole uses 25% of land in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Southwestern Pennsylvania farms provide a vital source of income for families and have done so for many generations. Two-thirds of retiring farmers in one national survey […]

Understanding Business Contracts and Transactions

Business contract

Learn How Business Contracts Work for Everyone Involved Understanding business contracts and transactions is essential to run a successful company. If you are entering a business contract, having a plan of action will help you avoid conflicts in the future. Knowing your roles and responsibilities before signing the contract  takes time and effort to make […]

An Overview of Adoptions in Pennsylvania

Adoption concept image

Our Attorney Provides the Basics of Adoption Law Margaret Zylka House, Attorney at Law is providing an overview of adoptions in Pennsylvania in our blog this month. We offer expert adoption services to our clients. Opening your home to a new family member can be an exciting and happy time. Adoption can also bring turmoil […]

A Quick Guide to Guardianship

Guardianship concept

Learn From Our Attorney About Establishing Guardianship In this month’s blog, Margaret Zylka House, Attorney at Law is writing a quick guide to guardianship. We offer guardianship services. The process and reason for establishing guardianship can bring peace of mind for everyone involved. Typically, legal guardianship is for minors, developmentally disabled adults, and older adults […]

A Quick Guide to Writing a Will

Last will and testament

You Can Write a Will at Almost Any Point in Your Life Margaret Zylka House, Attorney at Law is blogging this month about a quick guide to writing a will. A will is something anyone can write, at almost any point during their lifetime. Most people begin to write their will when they marry or […]

The Importance of Prenuptial Planning

Margaret Zylka House, Attorney at Law, Can Help You If you are planning to be married in the near future, prenuptial planning is very important. Everyone wants to believe that their marriage will be the “happily-ever-after” kind. But Time Magazine reports that, even though the oft-quoted statistic of “50 percent of marriages end in divorce” […]